Sunday, October 26, 2014

Tak perlu keliling dunia .... part 2

"Dengarkanlah kata hatiku
  Bahwa ku ingin untuk tetap di sini
  Tak perlulah aku keliling dunia
  Biarkan ku di sini
  Tak perlulah aku keliling dunia
  Karna ku tak mau jauh darimu
  Dunia boleh tertawa
  Melihatku bahagia
  Walau di tempat yang kau anggap tak biasa
  Biarkanlah aku bernyanyi
  Berlari, berputar, menari di sini
  Tak perlulah aku keliling dunia
  Karna kau di sini
  Tak perlulah aku keliling dunia
  Kaulah segalanya bagiku di dunia..."

and again, this song became my life soundtrack
cause i am coming home, to my love, family, and friend

and i hope in my next journey, you will be with me..

Saturday, September 20, 2014


A colleague asked why i used ratugalak as my social media ID. He asked if i am "galak"
I said, "I wish i am. I think my life would have been easier if i am galak"
What do you think?

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Random mumble

When a father married off his daughter
He handover his responsibility towards the husband to be
He trust the guy can do it better than him
Or at least as good as his care

For all the husband in the world
Would you ask yourself this question
Did i ever fail my father in law faith?

And of course the same thing goes for the wives to mother in law

The annoyed "Kapan..."

There is only one thing that holding back my excitement of going home soon.
That i have to face those Kapan ini Kapan itu question again.
Arrrggghhh, just leave my life alone, won't you?!?!?!

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Society class

I was a bit upset reading an IG post from a celeb - socialite
It was meant to be a prayer from a mother to her birthday boy, hoping that he will grow up as a down to earth person, hang out with anyone from any society class, and so on
A good one though, and i believe it was sincere. She got many positive feedback and compliment, too.
However, i had different opinion when i read her words, "Aah, so this is how you see yourself and the world. It is you who draw the line, how would you hope your kid will cross the line?".

High class, middle class, low society class.
There is no such thing, in my opinion.
Those just classes that people create to differentiate themselves from other. I would not think that way.

God creates people equally and they born with their own fate.
Ada yang mungkin secara ekonomi kekurangan tapi memiliki kelebihan di hal lain (e.g. jago masak, pinter, jago lukis, etc). Bisa juga kebalikannya.
Unfortunately, our society tends to see everything from economical perspective. Postingan artis tersebut membuat saya sadar, itu adalah pemikiran yang diwariskan turun temurun. 'Gak aneh kalau sulit untung dihilangkan sebagaimana layaknya tradisi.

If you tell your kid that he/she is luckier or richer, so they should help other; that will stay in their mind. I will not surprise if they grow up with superior feeling in front of others, and felt that they are almighty when help others. You got what you want though, he/she can hang out with anyone, but the sincerity is different.

Semasa sekolah dulu saya punya group belajar, anggotanya hampir setengah kelas. Temen-temen yang lebih menguasai satu mata pelajaran, saling berbagi. Pada akhirnya, bukan cuma ada satu guru di kelompok belajar kami, tapi beberapa. There where the balance is being created. Saya yang rada telmi di Biologi dan Geografi tertolong banget dengan trik dari teman saat menghafalkan lapisan bumi. Sementara saya yang lebih PD di hitung-hitungan, kebagian mengajar matematika atau teman2 sejenisnya. Ada juga teman yang tidak begitu kuat di mata pelajaran manapun, tapi itu bukan soal. Cause they are such a lovely friend, and their existence made us happy (they are fun, too, belajar pasti boring kalau gak ada mereka).

That is what i meant. Berbagi bukan melulu tentang finansial. And that should not the only thing you emphasize to your kid. Jokowi mungkin 'gak akan jadi presiden kalau bukan karena para relawan (regardless the social class of those volunteer).
Bahwa semua orang sebenarnya sama. You might have one thing but you lack on other thing. So there is no such thing as classes cause it will be so absurd. Think about it: in which class i would belong? Mideconomy OKbrain so-socookingskill  lackofashionsense highexposuretointernationalworld class. Is that kind of class exist?

If i have a kid, i will pray so he/she grow up as someone which the existence is meaningful to others. Could be a doctor who help cure the illness, a teacher who teach the kindness to the world, a businessman who open the work opportunity for others, comedian who spread the laughter, or housewives who give the warmth to the family. I hope he / she will sincerely love others and be lovable by others: friends, family, or just anyone. Seseorang yang setiap langkah dalam hidupnya selalu diridhai Allah.

Life is about take and give. And it will be more fun if you could see more. Going to different places, make friend with anyone, eat in whatever place you want. Do not let those not-exist society rule limit you.

Call me naive, overly sensitive, too hush, or irrational. We just have different opinion in seeing the world. That's it!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Lebaran, right here, right now

Lebaran tahun ini bagi saya cukup berbeda..
Tidak mudik
Tidak sungkem atau silaturahmi ke sanak famili (physically)
Tidak ziarah ke makam kakek nenek tercinta
Tidak ada ketupat bersama teman2nya (esp. Lidah!)
Tidak ada aroma sedap malam
Tidak ikut halal bihalal

Namun ada pelajaran berharga yang saya dapatkan di Ramadhan tahun ini...
.. summer ramadhan ..
Puasa 19 jam, maghrib jam 9.30pm, taraweh midnight, shubuh jam 3 pagi
Akhirnya lebih sering buka dirapel dengan sahur dan puasanya jadi 24 jam (atau minum susu habis taraweh untuk sahur)
Saya jadi membayangkan orang lain yang kurang beruntung yang puasanya mungkin lebih dari 24 jam, atau tidak bisa berbuka / sahur dengan layak
.. living as minority ..
Sepanjang hidup saya, hampir seluruh bulan puasa saya habiskan di Indonesia. Pernah pula ramadhan di Malaysia dan Mesir, tapi itu pun negara Muslim, jadi suasananya pun hampir mirip
Cape juga mesti ngejelasin atau menolak ajakan lunch bareng
Atau nyium aroma makanan saat lagi laper2nya :)
Saya jadi teringat bagaimana kita memperlakukan minoritas di negara kita. Sebagai mayoritas, kita meminta mereka menghormati ibadah kita, tapi sudahkah kita memberi perlakuan yang sama kala mereka beribadah? 
.. belief and persistency ..
Saya bukan muslim yang sempurna, tapi saya berusaha mempertahankan nilai-nilai yang saya anggap benar
Sebisa mungkin tidak meninggalkan yang wajib dan menjauhkan yang haram
Ini urusan saya dengan Tuhan, tidak ada kaitannya dengan hubungan sosial

Apapun itu, saya bersyukur masih diberi kesempatan menjalani Ramadhan tahun ini
Bisa merayakan Idul Fitri terlepas dari suasana yang berbeda, karena yang penting esensi kembali fitrah itu sendiri
Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1435H. Selamat berlebaran bersama keluarga dan orang-orang terdekat
Mohon maaf lahir bathin atas segala kesalahan
Semoga kita dipertemukan kembali dengan Ramadhan di tahun mendatang

Image diambil dari

Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Colour of My Love

I'll paint my mood in shades of blue 
Paint my soul to be with you 
I'll sketch your lips in shaded tones 
Draw your mouth to my own 

I'll draw your arms around my waist 
Then all doubt I shall erase 
I'll paint the rain that softly lands on your wind blown hair 

I'll trace a hand to wipe out your tears 
A look to calm your fears 
A silhouette of dark and light 
While we hold each other oh so tight 

I'll paint a sun to warm your heart 
Swearing that we'll never part 
That's the color of my love 

I'll paint the truth 
Show how I feel 
Try to make you completely real 
I'll use a brush so light and fine 
To draw you close and make you mine 

I'll draw the years all passing by 
So much to learn so much to try 

And with this ring our lives will start 
Swearing that we'll never part 
I offer what you cannot buy 
Devoted love until we die

- I love you, more than yesterday. Through the good times and through bad. Till death do us apart-

Sunday, July 13, 2014


German colleague: "Yesterday was the President election right, in Indonesia. Who won?"
Me: "Both candidates declared won based on Quick Count result"
German colleagues: "So what does it mean? War?"
Me: "amit-amit, jangan sampai kejadiaaaaannnn... :("

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Orang asing aja tau

I was so proud when my boss, not an Indonesian and don't nor ever living in Indonesia, said this, "So, Rina, who do you support as the president for 2014? I like the tall and slim one (sorry Pak, hehehe). What is his name? The current Governor of Jakarta? He looks so genuine and so down to earth. I saw some news about the way he works too, very promising.."

Finally, it is no more about how difficult is doing business in Indonesia, or so much corruption, or difficulty in getting good people there. One more positive thing (other than how beauty the country is or high happiness index in Indonesia) was associated with us. We still have some hope....

Ps: Mimpi gue 'ga muluk-muluk. Cuma pengen punya presiden yang bisa memungkinkan gw ke kantor jalan kaki tanpa baju nyampe kantor jadi bau karena polusi :)

Friday, June 13, 2014

Lesson from my father

Waktu nonton Mata Najwa episode Menatap Indonesia, komentar dari Wakil Ketua KPK, Bambang Widjajanto, membuat saya teringat pada Papah. Komentarnya begini, "Fundamental pemberasan korupsi seharusnya dimulai dari rumah / keluarga"

Let me tell you about my Father.

Ayah saya adalah tipikal orang batak banget: tegas, cenderung galak, kadang nyeremin. Sewaktu kecil dulu, kalau beliau jadi penceramah di shalat tarawih, jamaah akan hening, karena kalau tidak, bisa kena semprot (ibarat SBY yang marahin menterinya kalau ngomong sendiri waktu sidang kabinet). Ibu saya pernah cerita, beberapa kali jadi olokan temannya karena ayah saya, yang semasa kuliah adalah asisten dosen, terkenal killer dan tidak ragu memarahi kelas sebelah kalau terlampau berisik kala beliau sedang mengajar.
Ayah saya Insinyur sipil, tapi boleh diadu pengetahuannya di bidang apa saja karena kesukaanya membaca buku. Waktu SD, Ayah saya beberapa kali menjadi guru tamu di sekolah saya, untuk topik EQ. Semua murid biasanya tobat kalau beliau yang ngajar karena tidak ada yang dapat nilai sempurna di tesnya. Untung beliau hanya mengajar Kelas 6, dan kala itu saya masih kelas 5. Tahun berikutnya beliau tidak lagi mengajar, karena kesibukan dan menghindari tuduhan nepotisme kali ya :p
Ayah saya kelahiran tahun 1950. Di usianya yang sudah lebih dari cukup untuk pensiun, beliau masih bekerja. Kadang saya merasa bersalah, karena harusnya giliran saya yang menafkahi beliau. Di masa karyanya, beberapa kali beliau harus bekerja di luar Jakarta, luar Jawa, bahkan mungkin di luar negeri untuk menafkahi kami. Mungkin itu juga sebabnya Adik saya cenderung lebih dekat dengan beliau, karena sesudah Adik saya lahir, beliau lebih banyak bekerja di Jakarta.
Ayah saya merintis karirnya dari awal: pegawai lapangan, insinyur, sampai kini menduduki puncak jabatan. Saya beberapa kali melihat beliau harus berganti pekerjaan ketika perusahaan tidak lagi sejalan dengan idealisnya. Ada pula masa di mana keluarga kami mengalami cobaan secara ekonomi, namun beliau tetap berpegang pada pendiriannya. Di mata saya sosoknya tidak pernah berubah. Ayah saya dulu dan sekarang, sama kepribadiannya.
Ayah saya boleh dibilang turut andil menopang ekonomi keluarga (adik-adiknya) sejak beliau masih muda. Namun semua dilakukannya dengan senang, dan sekuat tenaga beliau mencoba untuk bisa membantu. Saya selalu bangga kalau mendengar cerita kakek saya dahulu tentang usaha ayah saya menjaga kebahagiann keluarga. Sikap ini sebenarnya ditunjukkan tidak hanya untuk keluarga, tapi juga teman-temannya. Ada suatu masa dulu saat saya membantu beliau di kantornya, saya menjadi saksi mata kala beliau menyumbangkan hampir setengah gajinya kepada bawahannya yang tertimpa musibah, padahal keluarga kami juga sedang membutuhkan. Rasanya saya waktu itu ingin teriak, "Jangan semuanya, Pah".
Ayah saya adalah role model saya. Jika kesuksesan diukur dari pengabdian seseorang kepada masyarakat, beliau adalah contoh nyata. Di lingkungan manapun kami tinggal, beliau selalu jadi "tokoh" karena kemauannya turun tangan. Kehidupan sosialnya juga tidak pernah timpang, dikenal baik dan disegani para tetangga. Selalu menjaga silaturahmi dengan keluarga dan relasi, dan dihormati bawahannya. Sejauh pengamatan saya, dalam menjalankan kewajibannya kepada Sang Pencipta pun tanpa cela. Di kesibukannya, beliau tetap mampu menjaga keseimbangan hablu minannas dan hablu minAllah. Sesuatu yang saya rasa belum mampu saya kuasai hingga kini.
Ayah saya mengajar anak-anaknya lewat sikap, contoh, dan tauladan. Tidak banyak dengan kata. Beliau menunjukkan bagaimana prinsip harus dipegang teguh, agama adalah modal utama untuk hidup, dan menjaga silaturahmi adalah harus. Kebahagiaan di dunia penting, namun bukan segalanya. Keseimbangan harus tetap dijaga.

You must live as a noble man, katanya. Jika tiba saatnya nanti kau harus mempertanggung jawabkan perbuatanmu di akhirat, tidak ada yang bisa membantu selain amalanmu

I miss you, Dad! A lot :)

Monday, June 09, 2014

What am i to you

Hey, Hun..
What am i to you?
Am i the camera which capture all your moments
Or the purse which is hard for you to live without it but sometimes you unconsciously left it
Perhaps the coffee that you like really much and addicted to it, until the point you get dizzy if not drinking it

But you know what
For me you are my eye glasses
Which help me to see the world clearly
It is not that i can not see without it
It just often my eyes give me blur picture
First thing i look for once i wake up
The older i will be, the more i need it

Whatever the answer is
I love you..

Thursday, June 05, 2014


I used to be a decisive person, and i think i still am
I do not let people decide things for myself
Even though its a decision i might regret one day, as long as it is from me, i go with it
I do talk with other people, especially those who mean the world to me, but only to get their support. It won't change my believe though..
Yes, i might be quite stubborn in that sense

So i was in the crossroads lately
I have to decide what i want to do after my assignment here
Stay in the department where i already familiar with
Or do something new which could be riskier for my career, but actually thing that i really want to learn and do
I was brave at first
Whatever the risk, i take it. Whatever the challenge, i face it
But then people start calling me crazy to choose that option
They doubt i can survive there
Suggested me doing something else
So then i started shaking..
And running away
And chose the safest option i know
I put aside my dream for a while, the future that I've picture so well

Then there is this wise man
A person that his word and action inspires me always
Telling me his story
And say one thing, "There is no pattern in our life. You can not predict your future trend. Yes you can plan, you can make your best effort, but you will never know the outcome. We do what we can do now, and we tackle the future later. Stop thinking too much"
And another thing which felt like he slapped me,"If you afraid of taking the risk, then move away. I don't set up people for failing. How come you dream a success if you don't want to take the risk. Behind a great position, there is always a great risk"

So i wake up. Reflecting. What i want to do. What i want to learn. How i picture myself in the future. What job that makes me stay passionate.
So i decide to be honest to myself. I will do what i want to do. I dare to dream big, say it loud, go for it, and make it happen. I will just do as i normally do: my best.

Come what may. I am unstoppable.

Quoting my friend: You only need to choose the job. This is not about death or life. Just make up your mind and do what you think bring you closer to your dream. And if the thing does not work out, you always can choose again. Turning back, straight ahead, or take another turn.

And when the crossroad come again, i hope i already understand myself better...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


Sudah lama tidak membaca tulisanmu
Salah satu hal yang membuatku jatuh cinta

Permainan kata di Diari organisasi mahasiswa dulu
Pesan singkat berima atau sekelumit cerita di Sibubu
Postingan di TxRx blog yang kini tak berjejak
Post It Note yang dibuat sebelum pergi

I miss that
and I miss you...

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

The story telling skill

Somehow i just realize this as my weakness lately
When i tell a story, it isn't structured well. It jumps around from start to end then to the middle, then starting again, and so on. People get confuse and most of the time they could not get my points straight away.
I think the way i write or speak reflects the way i think. I hardly focus to only one thing, when i work i tend to jump from one work to another, which amazingly i manage to finish them all.
I used to so amaze with my boss who really excellent in story telling. And it reflects in the way he presenting or selling the story to his boss. All logical, very structured, and easy to understand.
Maaaannn, i think i really need to work hard for this kind of thing.

Btw, read it somewhere, it could be the symptom of dyslexia. Am i?

Just saying....

Monday, April 28, 2014

Tetangga Masa Gitu *our version*

Baru dikasih tau hunny ada tayangan sitkom baru di NetTV judulnya Tetangga Masa Gitu. Untungnya bisa streaming dari YouTube. Setelah dilihat-lihat ternyata lucu juga dan cukup dekat dengan kehidupan nyata.

Di SitKom itu diperlihatkan bagaimana perbedaan cara pandang, sikap, dan kehidupan sehari-hari pasangan yang baru seminggu menikah dengan pasangan yang sudah sepuluh tahun menikah. Tidak 100% sama, namun memang harus diakui ada perbedaan saat awal dulu saya menikah dengan sekarang setelah hampir lima tahun menikah. Apapun itu, selama bukan sesuatu yang sangat mendasar, we just laugh over it.

And here are some examples:

Tempat Tidur
Dulu: "Hunny, tidurnya jauh-jauh amat sih. Deketan sini.." *meski belum mandi*
Sekarang: "Ganti baju dulu sebelum naik kasur. Hiii, kamu keringetan. Sana jangan deket-deket" *taruh guling di tengah-tengah*

Dulu: "Besok suami mau sarapan apa?" *dan keesokan paginya sarapan sudah tersedia*
Sekarang: "Istriiii, bangun dong, suami lapar niiihhh" *dan istri baru bangun saat sudah waktunya makan siang itupun karena istri ikut kelaparan*

Ulang Tahun
Dulu: "Istri ulang tahun mau apa?" *yang biasanya dijawab dengan apa aja boleh. Kado dan bunga pun gak pernah absen*
Sekarang: "Suami, istri kemarin kalap beli tas kemahalan. Suami bayarin setengahnya ya, buat kado ultah" *yang transferannya baru nyampe sesudah istri meneror beberapa kali*

Dulu: Debat kusir lima menit abis itu suami ngalah sama istri
Sekarang: Debat panjang sampai salah satu keluar kata "pokoknya"

Belanja Perabot
Dulu: "Hun, ini sofanya lucu banget. Beli ya.." *pasti diiyain apalagi kalau yang minta yang bayar*
Sekarang: "Tar ajalah beli reclining sofanya, tunggu diskon. Lagian liat deh, itu yang beli orang udah tua semua" *meskipun yang akan bayar yang minta*

I guess as we are more mature, we are more realistic in facing this life...
How is your version?

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Nothing compares to you

...tanahku tak ku lupakan
engkau kubanggakan...

Borobudur, Magelang
*berburu sunrise ala koper*

Maninjau Lake, Padang
*dan kelok ampak puluh ampak yang terkenal itu*

Samalona, Makassar
*virgin island philipine, lewattttttt!!!!*

Pantai (?), Pacitan
*a hidden treasure*

Taman Nasional Bantimurung, Makassar
*LoTR backup shooting place*

Pura Taman Ayun, Bali

Uluwatu, Bali

Kimabajo, Manado
*ini bukan dari kalender*

Taman Bunga Cipanas
*Keukenhof is nothing*


No editing, no photoshop. Original output from camera taken by amateur

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

What is he to me..

My leader, in life and after life
My best friend for all seasons
My sparring partner
My everything
My love
My life

"Tak akan ada cinta yang lain
Kupastikan cintaku hanya untukmu
Pernahkah terbersit olehmu
Aku pun takut kehilangan dirimu..."

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Venice, Love is in the air

My husband really love this city


Lovers in Paris

From the city of light, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the Lovers in Paris........

From Versailles to Eiffel et Champ de Elysse to Disneyland to Louvre

When in Rome

Cause a picture tells more than a thousand words....

and there i gave you two :)

Full set is available here:

Birthday Blessed

I turned into 30+1 couple days ago. It was the most quiet birthday ever.
First, i was in environment where birthday is not a big deal. Second, because i was away from home, family, and friends, those who knows me for years.

Don't get me wrong, for me birthday is just like any other day in my life. I used to be excited waiting for that day, at least until i was 25 y.o. Ever since that, i guess i unconsciously refused to stop aging therefore prefer to pass it by :)
The main reason for me remembering that day, because i could use it to torture my husband for giving me present, even the nonsense one, though most of the time he did not grant my wish (poor me, hehehehe ;p)

But, as i said, this year is different. Somehow, i really felt i was really loved, and i am truly blessed. Some friends / families sent birthday cards, some even made a call, there were also text or FB messages. I am really bad in keeping a relationship with people, and i don't see myself as good buddy. However, that day i thought, "maybe i wasn't too bad as a person". It was really comforting to know i have lovely and sincere family and friends around. Thanks to you and glad you are all in my life.

So, happy birthday to me. Wish me years and years of happiness, blessed, and loved!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Salzburg, a Musical City

Salzburg was my first solo Eurotrip. By purpose i chose it because its close distance to Munich (2 hrs by train), so convenience enough for beginner solo traveler like me.

I took morning train, and once i arrived in Salzburg central station, i went straight to Salzburg tourism center to buy Salzburg Card (i took 24 hrs Salzburg Card). Because i have so many place to visit in my list, so this card saved me some money. I bought a classical concert ticket too, there. I even amazed to myself for doing so.

After asked for some direction, i took bus going to Mozart Wohnhaus - Mozart family house which currently used as museum to show some Mozart partiturs, letter, music book, etc. My hotel was in Linzer Gasse, so i took a walk from the museum to hotel. After check in (of course room was not ready yet, it was 10am in the morning), and left my bag pack, i took a walk to Salzburg fortress. Well if you are into hiking, you can walk all the way up to the fortress. As for my case, i only walk up to Fenicular station and took the Fenicular to go to Fortress. All cost has been included in Salzburg card!

Salzburg fortress - kidnapped in snow :) 

Done for Fortress, next destination was Old City. Walked around, stopped in some interesting place including Mozart Birthplace, lunch in Cafe Mozart ala Sazburger (Nockerl and Salzburg soup), bought some souvenirs including the famous Mozartkugeln in Cafe Furst, and watched the concert in the evening. A busy yet interesting day. City was beautiful, food was nice, and concert was interesting. I also went to Mirabell garden, one of the place use to shot Sound of Music, and all those Sound of Music ost are just playing in my head. You really can see there how Salzburg is so proud of Mozart and emphasizes strong connection between city and the pianist.

I really loved the way they decorated the Store Sign. Even for McDonalds!

Not much i did on 2nd day, since my train will be at noon. I only went to some Cathedral and have another look on the city. Some souvenirs store are still open in Sunday, so the old town is not really empty. Actually, you can do day trip from Munich to Salzburg. But i just don't want to be so rush, so i split into 2 days. It was good overall, and i really felt the warmth of people there.

Brussels, the Real Laid Back City

I was in Brussels around two weeks ago. Just want to escape a little bit from Munich and enjoy the fresh air. I thought spend a weekend in Brussels would be nice, city which strongly related with chocolate, waffle, and ice cream. What a perfect place to just relax.

To be honest, the landscape is not so much different with Munich or other European city. But somehow, i felt people are there to enjoy the life, no one in a hurry. Everything is done in slow manner, including the restaurant service. Lucky i was not in rush either, otherwise my mood could be easily ruined there.Weather was nice when i was there. Lots people took their time sat outside the cafe (no extra charge - unlike in a neighborhood country) or laid back in grass in the park.

I spent almost the whole Saturday in Antwerps. I took a train (around 30 mins from Brussels Centraal) to go there. Initially just to have a look on the city (which i did not see much different with other city in Europe, just in smaller scale), but then end up shopping till broke. I just can't resist to stop in one store to another or buy things that impressed my eyes there. I arrived back in Brussels around 7pm, but sun was still there. Too late to look around, so then i decided to stop in Haagen Daz near Galleries Saint Hurbert, had two scope of ice cream, and sat outside the cafe just to enjoy nice weather. Most stores has closed by that time, except Chocolate store. So that was my next destination, while waiting for Dinner time.

Antwerps, even the city center is quiet

The next day is time to explore Brussels. I took hop on and off bus (ticket bought from Hotel), which went to almost major touristic place in Brussels (cathedral, Atomium, palace, Manekenn Piss, Figurine Museum, etc.). Stopped in some of the place, took some pictures, walked around, bought souvenirs (SMURF! Have a happy life...!!!!). I follow the city pace, relax, and slow.

How could i don't feel entertained by the city?

Unfortunately, i had to go back to Munich that night. So there goes my short runaway trip. If you are looking for a place to pause your busy life, Brussels in the weekend is just perfect :)

In My Life

There are places I remember
All my life, though some have changed
Some forever not for better
Some have gone and some remain
All these places have their moments
With lovers and friends I still can recall

Some are dead and some are living
In my life I've loved them all

But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
And these memories lose their meaning
When I think of love as something new
Though I know I'll never lose affection
For people and things that went before
I know I'll often stop and think about them
In my life I love you more

Song and lyrics by The Beatles

Monday, March 24, 2014

Me and Travelling

I am an impulsive traveler
When i feel stuffy, i just buy a ticket and go somewhere
Anywhere that my heart told me to
I am not running away
Just need to breathe somewhere else
And most of the time it works

I am anti main stream
I don't follow backpacker style
But not yet rich enough to do luxury style
I sleep where i want to sleep
Anywhere that i think will be comfortable
For myself and my purse :)

I do not mind travel alone
In fact i do it most of the times
Simply because i can do what i want
I can choose how to get there, where to stay, which places to stop, what to eat, etc
No need to adjust with other's will
When it comes to travelling, i am so selfish

I do not spend millions to buy a handbag
I buy clothes only if i really need too
My car is older than 10 years old, still function well though
My house does not have the land
I buy stuff for its function, not just a matter of style
I am rationale..
But when it comes to travelling, i am rather impulsive

I get bored so easily
I try not to travel to the same place
Seeing new places every time
Watching how people in that area live and what they do for living
I want to see the world
Not only the world that i used to know

I love sea than mountain
I prefer history to art
I do not mind warm or cold, as long as it is not raining
I'd love to walk than bike
I don't take lots of picture cause my memory will capture it better

But there is one place
Which never fail to cheer me up
Though i go, eat, and stay at the same place there
I just love that place atmosphere
Jogja, place where i would love to stay once i retire

And there is one travel buddy
Who will make my journey perfect
Regardless the destination
Even though just city next door
Despite my preference to travel around
The trips that I love the most are those i did with my husband

And i still have thousands in my list
Places that i want to visit
Hope i can see them all

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Poker Face

My biggest weakness is my face
It doesn't support me when i do the lie. I don't have a poker face. When i sad, moody, happy, tired: my feelings are just written there
In this fake world, how can i survive?


Cause i needed you so desperately
But most of all
I do love you, still

- miss you, a lot!-