Thursday, January 14, 2010


Kangen hahahihi sama mafia Indonesiaku di Balikpapan
Kangen sama biro EO dan Hura-hura
Kangen sama geng PasQ
Kangen sama Kramotak
Kangen sama neng bejo
Kangen sama semua temen-temen

*tiba-tiba kangen hangout-hangout gak penting*

Thursday, January 07, 2010

two thousands and ten

It's been long time since my last post, but anyway, 2009 has been passed so let say WELCOME to 2010.
I, thank You God, have achieved some of the resolution for 2009 and now starting new life in 2010. Excited, excited, because this is a brand new experience. Being a wife, back to the college with totally different subject and system, new city, new house, etc etc.
I don't have anything specific for 2010, not yet, but generally wish my self a better life, being better person, success in every aspect of my life, and happier. Mmm, there're actually some specific things, to live in same city with hunny and graduate as soon as possible :)
But, most of all, may God always bless my way and my beloved.