Sunday, April 26, 2009


And i have nothing to say except i'm so proud to ever met you, chat, and worked together with you. Felt so blessed to have such an amazing team, trully friends, berbagi cerita di tempat yang bikin mati gaya ini (ok, lebay, i know). And the time has come to us to say good bye, i hope this is not an end for our friendship. We are all sad to say bye, but surely there's always bright side for everything. And hopefully, future that await us will be better. Insya Allah.
Especially for my best friends, thanks for all the laughter, fun nights, gossip ;p, lunch and dinner. You are all invited in November :)
Wish us luck in the new place....

Love, 'na

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Dia milikku bukan milikmu, dia untukku bukan untukmu
Pergilah kamu, jangan mengganggu

--karena gak pede ato kepedean? kalo kata hunny sih itu klarifikasi--