Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Eulogy speech

That topic came up in one of my conversation with husband, and in one of training i attended recently. Basically, the question was, "What do you think people say about you in your funeral, and what do you want to hear?" Most probably it will create two different answer, since reality sucks.
Anyway, i can instantly think of an answer for second question: "people thankful i was exist", but scratched my head for first question. I am such bad person in maintaining a relationship. I think one of the reasons why i almost have no fight with my husband cause not everyday we are seeing each other :) I have few good friends, when they are physically around, but after that, disappear. It takes two to tango, either i'm (acting) too busy, or the other parties. So my safest answer is, "depend on who will say it". Anyway, quoting my friend, it does not matter what will they say, i was not there anyway....

Ps: so random post. Something are just stuck in my head almost exploding don't know what