Sudah setahun lewat sejak postingan terakhir saya. Ngapain aja ya saya, sampai gak sempet update blog. So i moved back to Jakarta, i think i told you that. Finally got a job, has been started since a year ago. Kinda interesting since i am working directly with the CEO, even though its back office job.
Urusan cari rumah udah beres, Alhamdulillah. We move to casablanca area. It's an apartment in the end. Pretty good investment, hopefully. Perhaps once we settle with everything, will start look for a house.
Enough for the updates. Now move to palmistry topic (eh bener gak sih namanya palmistry, ilmu membaca garus tangan? Males googling...). Gak pernah bener-bener percaya sih sama ramal-meramal, cuma buat lucu-lucuan aja. So the fortune teller (jadi-jadian ;p) told me that i have worked hard to achieve this state. Because the fate given to me is not as good as what i get now. I am lack of luck factor, but i am a hardworker, so if i continue live like this, i may achieve the "Star" state. Mungkin ada benarnya, secara saya gak pernah menang undian, jarang ketemu temen di mall, de el el. But i believe Allah Maha Penyayang dan Maha Mendengar semua doa hambaNya.
The other interesting factor is she said i have another talent, the one that i haven't explored yet. It's not something i can get from school. And if i really want to take it seriously, i may be successful in that area. Langsung berpikir keras, tapi masih belum ketemu talent apa yang dimaksud. Masakan saya rasanya standard, jahit gak bisa (waktu SD pernah tapi gak rapi banget), nyanyian saya bisa bikin kaca pecah, menggambar selalu dapat nilai 6, i'm suck with color so definitely not an designer or architecture whatsoever, public speaker is not my type (menang pun karena latihan, bukan talent),tulisan saya pun kebanyakan cuma buat diri sendiri (terbukti dengan number of followers in my blog).
Kalau katanya Rene (sok akrab tea), your job is not your career. I'm still looking for what it is my real passion. Salah satu alasan kenapa saya pindah dari Field Engineer jadi Executive Assistant. Masih terus mencari, namun tak berhenti bersyukur atas apa yang sudah saya punya hingga hari ini.
Thank you, my dear God...